Friday, 2 October 2015

A Seasonal Overview...

Autumn is most definitely here, and with it comes a need to re-evaluate.
I don't know if I'm alone in saying this, but I love the opportunity that new seasons bring. Particularly with Autumn as it's such a change-there's something so exciting about getting all my cosy jumpers out, lighting some candles, and snuggling up with my dog and a hot chocolate. Who needs the summer sun?

I also tend to have seasonal clear-outs, so I've been chucking out a load of clutter from all around my house from clothes to crockery. Like I said, there's something special about starting anew. But this year, a few more things have changed in my personal life too. Over the summer my job, my relationships and my goals for the future have all shifted slightly, so naturally I'm having to think deeply about what it is I want to achieve at the moment (which is therapeutic, but also quite confusing as it's all changing at once!).

So here are my autumnal sights-things I want to keep focus of and improve upon from now until the end of November (winter time).
I hope you can gain some inspiration from this yourself!

1) Keeping Healthy
I've already come down with a cough, so this has not started well! As the seasons change it it so easy to come down with something, so I'll be investing in a lot of tea and warm hoodies this month, but I am mainly referring to fitness goals here. I had a great summer and after losing 2 stone in weight, gained a lot of new confidence, but I have hit a wall with my fitness and definitely don't want to lose track of it any more. The thing is, I HATE exercise, so waking up at 6am on a cold morning to go for a run is not my idea of fun. But I know I need to suck it up this month and take care of my body or the Christmas treats will be getting the better of me before I know it. Resolution: Join a class- something indoors! And WARM.

2) Making Music
It has been a whirlwind of career changes over here. I am now very much entirely based in the music industry which is a big plus for me, having been working in dead end jobs for a while before this. However, my work hours are currently unpredictable and ever changing (mainly because I am in such a kerfuffle at the moment I haven't gotten myself organised enough) and because I have so many different avenues that I work on, some of them have been getting lost in translation. This is just as soul destroying as being in a dead end job and it needs to stop! Some of the parts of my work are improving massively (my blog is becoming better quality every time I alter it, and the main work I'm doing is very rewarding and growing all the time) but my YouTube and gigs have fallen a bit flat. I make plans, and get distracted. Well, NO MORE. (The setting up gigs bit has already started-check out the new 'Gigs' header at the top of my blog to see where I'm performing next!)

3) Create a day-to-day structure and stick to it
Following on from point (2), I'd be a lot less likely to miss things if I stayed organised. So I've resolved to write down every night the things I need to do the next day and the time in which I have to do them. This seems like common sense, doesn't it? But there are parts of my life that fluctuate massively like waking up and going to sleep-I start work at different times each day-so hopefully, by being strict with myself, I will have time to turn forgotten jobs into new habits.

4) Allow myself room to breathe.
I am, without a doubt, a perfectionist. I have a habit of procrastinating things until I know they will be perfectly done, meaning they get put off (or forgotten about). Or, worse, I do them and feel bad because they're not up to standard. Particularly in the music scene, I have a lot of friends who are doing really well for themselves (which is great!) but it's so easy to make comparisons, which are inevitably destructive. This season, I will find the balance between working hard towards my goals and being okay with where that work has got me. You can't have it all at once. And breeeathe.

5) Make time for the people I care about.
This one is clear. It doesn't matter that my best friends are hundreds of miles away at uni (sob) Skype is FREE and life is short. Give them a ring.

Lizzie x

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