Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Importance of Live Music

The weirdest thing I've ever been told is that Live Music is not important in the music industry.


The strangest thing is that this came from someone who is a teacher at a really well known music college. How many aspiring musicians has she told that to? How many have believed her?
After running very fast from that college, I evaluated how wrong that advice is. There is not one musician who hasn't benefitted from live music in some way. It can teach you so much, and it's fun too!

Live Music-The Best Bits

1) Facing your fears is the healthiest thing for you

It's so easy to live in fear if you want to be part of the music industry. Fear that you're not good enough or ever will be, fear that people will laugh you off stage. But the biggest fear I've ever felt is that I'll miss the chance. I'm 20 now, which is actually kinda old in the music industry. So last night I bit the bullet and sang live, entirely on my own at an open mic night. I've played a load of gigs, I've been to a load of open mic nights, and I've done performances on my own before, and before last night I'd never played keyboard live in my whole life. Well, now I have and I feel great! I made some mistakes and I was paralysed with fear in parts but I played the whole of each song and the crowd were so lovely and supportive. Yay!

2) You'll meet some of the loveliest people

If you're a music nut, then the absolute best place to meet people you'll get on with is at gigs, open mic nights, showcases etc. Some of my best friends are people I've met in this way, and since becoming friends with these kind of people I've learnt a lot and figured out what I wanted for myself. It's also so inspiring to see your friends doing well, and for them to see your journey too-if they're fellow musicians they've been through it all before and want you to do well!

3) It exposes you to new genres of music

If you want to find out about more music, go to an open mic night. Google ones near you NOW and just go. You tend to get performers there who are edgier than you'll meet elsewhere, and they know about the cool local musicians and bands you can hear. At an open mic night you'll hear songs you know and songs you don't, which is fun! You can never stop learning when it comes to new music.

If I haven't convinced you so far, then there's no hope for you. I've learnt so much recently thanks to live music (both watching and performing) whether that's on my own or singing with other musicians and bands, and I want you to go out and find something similar! Just do it, you know you want to.

Much love as always,
Lizzie x

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